My first Blades hack is finally playtest ready!

My first Blades hack is finally playtest ready!

My first Blades hack is finally playtest ready!

It’s called Fangs, Plague, and Gunpowder and it’s about an expedition of mad scientist rats exploring a world where all the humans are dead, reptiles rule the world, and everything is haunted. Kill your foes, scavenge them for parts, and build bombs and ghost mushroom spores out of ’em!

From here it’s some playtesting for balance, hopefully minor editing and layout, and moving on to a game about Death Metal Viking Cats!

20 thoughts on “My first Blades hack is finally playtest ready!”

  1. Roe Portal I mean I had imagined actual ghosts and demons and such but I really like the idea that the leftover technologies could be equally haunted.

  2. So far I’ve got no valuable, constructive feedback except fanfare. It’s fantastic, really, scavenging reptiles as a major mechanic? Like what else do you need?

    I am curious if you had any other ideas for “crews”, like besides explorers. Or playbooks, tho you don’t really need any, the 4 you have are wonderful. It’s a wicked wonderful thing, this little game

  3. Greg Barnsdale Oh man, there’s the box quote right there! I really appreciate you taking the time to read it. I’m hoping to run a few games over roll20 over the next few weeks if life accommodates. If it looks like that’s gonna happen I’ll be sure to let you know!

  4. This is really terrific. I’m intrigued by your recovery mechanics – I think I really like it. It removes a point of friction that has always grated on me. The doom clock is great. It’s a good example of what you can do if you strip the game down a bit more, and the concoctions are a really good replacement for coin. Looking forward to giving it a spin!

  5. Michael Atlin thanks so much! This is really encouraging to hear since I’m running my first playtest tomorrow. If you do end up running it I would be thrilled to hear about it!

  6. Ray Chou Thanks for the feedback! I’m glad you found the rules clear (thanks in no small part to Nick Cummings who did a very thorough edit and caught some extremely repetitive language). I like the idea of group concoctions, and that might be a way to introduce a “crew sheet” style thing later on. I don’t want to lean on that too hard because the goal is to have some modularity with a similar game about cats, dogs, etc but Chrono Trigger instilled in me a love of combo attacks that is hard to ignore 🙂

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