My last character, a Whisper with a masquerade spirit mask, who was a prostitute, and used to come from a rich…

My last character, a Whisper with a masquerade spirit mask, who was a prostitute, and used to come from a rich…

My last character, a Whisper with a masquerade spirit mask, who was a prostitute, and used to come from a rich family. I made these letters that her mom had sent to her after they discovered she was a whisper. Going under the alias “The Temptress” she became a young prostitute and The Red Dress brothel after being shut out from her family. The whore master had strict rules against her employees getting pregnant, but Anne, my character, did and eventually had a son. She believed him to be the only beautiful thing she had ever created, and she hoped to give him the life her parents had begun to give her. The whore master stole him and sold him on the black market, and Anne vowed to stop at nothing to get him back. Along the way, she hoped to get revenge on her once loving family and to one day be happy with her son again. After our group got into a conflict with a gang she was killed before she could do any of that. These letters were still very cool however, and I had a good time making her character.

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