For Desperate group actions does every participant or just the leader gain XP?

For Desperate group actions does every participant or just the leader gain XP?

For Desperate group actions does every participant or just the leader gain XP? It sounds to me like it’s everyone but this reads a little ambiguously. Halp Stras Acimovic & John LeBoeuf-Little you’re my only hope!

When you make a desperate action roll. Mark 1 xp in the attribute

for the action you rolled. For example, if you roll a desperate scrap

action, you mark xp in prowess . When you roll for a group action

that’s desperate, you also mark xp.

2 thoughts on “For Desperate group actions does every participant or just the leader gain XP?”

  1. We run everyone marks xp. If you don’t get a 6 EVERYONE suffers the effect (so everyone might take level 3 harm), and the consequences are real. You also can’t assist each other, so it’s a pretty great thing till you don’t roll that six ^_~

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