6 thoughts on “Do any of the hacks in the works scrap the Harm rules?”

  1. They’re not BitD hacks, but both Masks and Tales From the Loop have a Mechanic called Conditions, you could adapt something like that.

    So you’d have a list of Conditions (such as Scared, Angry, Upset, etc), and instead of getting injured, you mark off a condition. Each one would have a specific effect (like Scared would give you -1d to any action requiring action in the face of danger, etc), and there would be specific actions required to clear them (like to clear Scared you’d have to run away from the current conflict, to clear Angry you’d have to break something, etc).

  2. You might consider using old DC Superhoeroes’ “bashing damage” or something similiar. Yes, you’re damaged, yes you’re hurt but it’s only bashing damage and therefore you just have to rest some time and you’re back in the game.

  3. I would think trauma would segue into those ‘marking’ moments where childhood transcends into adulthood and once you have hit the fourth one, you’re too ‘grown up’ to relate to the other PCs anymore.

  4. Brandon Perkins That’s actually exactly how Trauma is flavored in this hack. I’m mainly fishing for alternatives to directing “take level 3 harm ‘perforated lung'” at characters who are children.

  5. G. Michael Truran, I would have level 3 harm be to the things most important to a child. Many players forget that potential harm isn’t just physical. A ruined or lost toy, damage to your friendships, being grounded or otherwise disciplined in a restrictive fashion could serve as devastating harm.

    Little Toby fails to resist that level 3 harm?

    Your backpack fell into the well as you are trying to escape the monster that lurks within. Oh, and you scraped your knee, tearing your new pants (Mom’s gonna kill you!), and dropped your ice cream.

    Later, you realize that your favorite toy and all of your homework were in that backpack.

    And you will never see it again.

    Unless you and your friends, who think you are a total baby now, return to the cursed wishing well and confront Pennywise.

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