A short summary of our game held a week ago.

A short summary of our game held a week ago.

A short summary of our game held a week ago. We manage to do 1 intense run in roughly 3.5 hours, then a follow-up short run in around 1.5 hours. All in all I am slowly getting a good grasp of the whole system.

Originally shared by John Erwin

After 2 months, we finally had our second session of Blades in the Dark. We are still grasping the mechanics as a whole (we tend to forget loadout during planning), but narratively every one is now on the same page regarding its episodic nature, a different style from usual D&D sessions.

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Back at the whalepunk streets of Doskvol. Our plan of taking control of a local newspaper printing press, for covert ops, turned into a bust to an illegal resurrection of a child. Hidden family agendas and varying spirit-ectoplasmic-soul beliefs were uncovered as The Seventh Tower (our Shadow crew) manages to close a deal with the printing press proprietor. An obsessed father was arrested, and a clockwork body is obtained.

We tried ending the session with a straight-up stab-and-grab operation for a quick profit job. Things turned sour when initial plans backfired one by one, and the crew had to create and weave thru chaos by inciting a riot larger than what was planned. We got the goods, but created more enemies in the process.