PSA: Chat corruption in Roll20

PSA: Chat corruption in Roll20

PSA: Chat corruption in Roll20

EDIT: The fix is online. There should be no need to follow these instructions anymore.

Hey everyone,

I’ve messed up a thing — since this Tuesday, the “broadcast” part of the roll template in Roll20 is broken, so if you’ve ever clicked on one of the little bells, your chat might not work. Sorry!

1) If you’re suffering problems in chat, clear your chat archive (from outside the game, press Settings -> Clear Chat Archive).

2) DO NOT press the little bell/alarm buttons to send stuff to chat. If you do, you’ll have to clear your chat archive for things to work again.

3) It’ll be fixed with next week’s pull request (so probably next Tuesday).

5 thoughts on “PSA: Chat corruption in Roll20”

  1. Jakob Oesinghaus Is this the same fix you already announced for the hack-blades-sheets? If it’s another fix, would you please give some information which files are affected and how?

    … and BTW: After I spend some time now with those sheets my deepest respect for you good work and effort is only growing. Cool stuff.

  2. Stefan Struck It’s the same fix for the same problem; only the rolltemplate.pug file is affected. It’s just a single missing bracket, but it broke things completely :(.

    You can see the change in this diff:

    I changed the formatting, but only the new line 66 had a substantial bug-fixing change (or line 2173 in the uncompressed HTML, where the change is obvious).

  3. Luckily, Roll20 have reverted it now and the corruption problem is gone *EDIT: as soon as they update the servers, still seems to be present right now*(and the actual next version won’t have the problem).

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