Band of Blades is probably the BiD hack that interests me the most among those at the horizon.

Band of Blades is probably the BiD hack that interests me the most among those at the horizon.

Band of Blades is probably the BiD hack that interests me the most among those at the horizon. Is there any update on it? Or a playtest planned and how to take part in it, if possible? Thanks

14 thoughts on “Band of Blades is probably the BiD hack that interests me the most among those at the horizon.”

  1. Short story: We’re in active development on Band of Blades! I’m expecting the Beta to hit DTRPG mid-to-late April. I’ll make sure to announce it when we get there!

    Longer story: We’re redesigning the equipment system, balancing powers between playbooks, evaluating the moralle break-points, and fine-tuning the turn structure. There’s actually a lot moving around right now. We have finished the locations, though the whole game needs an edit pass. We’re really excited to watch it grow – it’s just not quite ready yet.

  2. Thanks for the tip!, Stras Acimovic. I have already watched some episodes. Great show, and the game looks great. I am really eager to test the game, and it looks that we are almost there 🙂

  3. John LeBoeuf-Little Not to bother – we’re in mid-April now, and I just wanted to check if things still seem on track for that mid-late April DTRPG launch window?

  4. Adrian Wills We’re finishing up the load system rework hoooopefully this week, and we’ve done some substantial rework to the powers for several playbooks, as well as the Whisper general. Most of the work remaining is in the accompanying texts that explain how to make missions work and what the constraints of the world are. Things are on track for now, though it’s always a bit of a scramble towards the end. Thanks for asking! I’m glad your enthusiasm is still high.

  5. I have a chunk of layout left to do -_- and we have a bit of full-text writing so folks can figure out how to play, but we’re in the home stretch for the QS. I’m hoping everyone will like it!

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