Hello all!

Hello all!

Hello all! Hack The Planet is live on Kickstarter today and doing really well. I really appreciate your support and the enthusiasm for this project. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Cyberpunk meets climate fiction…are people into that? I guess so!

In the past, I’ve always gravitated toward non-retro-futuristic aspects of cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk. Interesting that I’d be able to enjoy it now because of a pairing with climate fiction where it makes sense that tech has stopped in its tracks and moved in new directions. Gene-hacked crops to grow in infertile lands. Tech powered by other means than what we see today. Energy harnessed by the human body, working. Human ingenuity adapting the massive climate shifts. And people living on the fringes clawing back power for themselves for their own reasons.

It is always a good feeling to be working on a project you are incredibly excited about and have that stoked by people who are into what you are creating. Thank you very much, everyone.

Perhaps even more exciting is the ability to support some other folks I’ve seen in the community and who do great work themselves. I wish I could support more folks and I hope in the coming days, weeks, year–I will be able to with other projects.


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26 thoughts on “Hello all!”

  1. Oh, hm. I could make a level for that as well I suppose! We typically don’t do backerkit. We don’t really like the idea of extending a campaign. I don’t view it as a pre order service but a discount for people willing to fund us to make the project come true. Extending it kind of lessens the impact of backers, to me. I will make that level though!


  2. Tossed it in the KS comments as well, but I dearly hope one playbook or Crew sneaks in who can be a truly freaky transhuman weirdo; I’m a little sad the only mention of such things so far is as an antagonist group!

  3. Lex Permann I brought on folks who aren’t me to make the kind of content they want for the game, Pretty much all of them are hitting on queer themes in some way or another, in so far as the pitches I’ve heard. Expect to see options in the Look selections as well by the time it’s complete. Definitely want the game to be inclusive.

  4. Fraser Simons Thank you!

    (Voicing my sneaky hopes for some especially weird transhuman body modding stuff in this one, and maybe that we see a playbook preview soon.)

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