A Fistful of Darkness – Alpha 2 Release for Playtesting

A Fistful of Darkness – Alpha 2 Release for Playtesting

A Fistful of Darkness – Alpha 2 Release for Playtesting

New playbooks added! Have fun and let those play reports coming! 🙂




28 thoughts on “A Fistful of Darkness – Alpha 2 Release for Playtesting”

  1. Aside from new playbooks are there any other changes? I loved the read through of version 1, but want to check if there’s any big changes to save myself a read if there’s not many 🙂

  2. Eric Brunsell Thanks! The next playtest is coming up this week, so we’ll see what the Demon Hunters are up to.

    Matt Chodaczek Thanks, too! A playtest would be great. Let me know if I can help with anything. My Add-Fraturday-to-Week-machine is currently occupied, so I can not help with that 🙂

    BTW trying to get my daughter to play your hack with her friends. The topic should be right up her alley, but she’s pretty new to RPGs and I had no luck … yet.

    Antimatter Alpha 2 = Playbooks “The Gentle Touch” and “Wrench & Saw” added. New layout for PC sheets. Playbooks “Tribe” and “Cult” added. Alternate Loot Table added. Additional info about Coin and Hellstone as currencies. Updated “Gov’ment Contract”. Updated Delving too Deep. Hint about using poker chips for grit. Added Entanglements. Added rules for reducing Threat Level. Added ideas for new factions.”

    That and some editorial changes. Hope that helps if you don’t want to read the full document but only the new parts.

  3. Great! We have PCs, Posse and map with details of the world almost ready. We will play the first session this week i think.

    We have a Scout, a Plan, A Wrench & Saw and a Gamble. The Posse is Hellstone Scavengers, and the time is during the civil war.

  4. Franco bianchini I hope you guys have fun a lot with Stefans Setting and Hack. Some feedback on how the Gamble Playbook is working out for you would be highely appreciated.

  5. Matt Maenpaa Thanks a lot! A playtest from you/your group would help a lot and I hope you crit on your Sway Roll (or is it Consort?). I’m having great fun (along with great doubts) while making this, so you’re more than welcome to join the posse.

  6. The other day i saw “Bone Tomahawk” in Netflix. Good movie for get some ideas for the game.

    I was wondering if there is a Roll20 Sheet for this hack, because i made some sheets in excel for the players, but roll20 is so much easy to manage.

  7. Franco bianchini Will check the movie, thanks for the tip.

    Currently there are no roll20 sheets for aFoD but the Blades sheets are close enough and therefore I recommend to use them. Or you could use the deluxe sheets as background images and let let players add text / marker on top.

    I want to create my own roll20 sheets but first have to learn how to do it and buy a pro account subscription. Both is a problem but may be solved. Note that even if the sheets would be available from me you still need a roll20 pro account for the import.

  8. I love the idea behind this, where I have never played Blades in the Dark, I do hear a lot about it from Apocalypse World players.

    I’m a big time fan of the Wild “Weird” West, not so much for the Savage World rules, but they have some awesome concepts.

    I love the playbooks and quite frankly jealous, because I wished I came up with them, lol.

    Thanks for inspiring me and looked forward to more on this setting and game.

  9. So today I was able to get some of my players to get on board and test this game…

    I go to say I really like the way the Playbooks came out, but there are a few things that I notice while comparing this to the Version III Quick start of the Blades in the Dark, pertaining to the Action dots.

    In BitD you have some action dots already filled in and get an additional two to put where ever you like and in aFoD you have 4 action dots to assign, is that in addition to the three already allocated?

    There are a few other things I can’t for some reason remember, guess I better take notes in the next session.

  10. I just remembered something, it about tracking xp, you have a series of boxes next the the Special Abilities title, is this where you track your XP when using your special abiltiies?

    Also, I understand that the Bullet Cartridge is for tracking your Attributes XP, I am right in thinking this right?

  11. SeriesDirector1200 You have 3 dots already checked on the sheets and 4 dots to assign during PC creation. That’s identical to vanilla Blades.

    About XP: Boxes above special Abilities are for Playbook XP. And yes, I use Cylinders/Bullets as Clocks for the hack and I use a 6-Clock for Attribute XPs. You’re right in both points.

    Paytests: First of all, thanks a lot for the time and effort! Great!

    I’m more than happy to include your name and the names of your players in the credits of the hack. Either nicknames or real names whatever is preferred. If you want that please contact me directly on G+ or via email (in at monkeyecho.de).

  12. most definitely, I can email them to you if you’d like. I’m really digging the system and what you have done, we already have an interesting group of characters.

    I wouldn’t mind some help on doing a Gunslingers and Muscle Cars hack (similar to Hot Rods and Gun Bunnies from BESM), I’m focusing on learning all I can about the Blades in the Dark game system and the way it flows before I actually start hacking, but I think it would be cool to pull off.

  13. SeriesDirector1200 Hi there. I did not receive a mail with names for the playtest. Will you send them please to in[at]monkeyecho.de? I’m writing the first beta release right now and I’m happy to include your names if wanted.

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