Some enterprising individual in a forum thread from a few years ago created an infographic to explain the ever-expanding “City” megastructure from the manga Blame!, and it’s so deeply in line with my aesthetic headspace when it comes to A NOCTURNE that I had to share it.
(the thread in question:
Love it
Daaaaamn. Love that manga. This is great work.
Also now I want to do a chopped-and-screwed Blades hack set in Blame!’s City and I HAVE TOO MANY HACKS TO DESIGN.
Ha, imagine the playbooks – silicon intelligence, synthetic humanoid, aberrant virus, alien traveller, ancient construct, fudge that would be fantastic
Greg Barnsdale I don’t know the manga, but that sounds a bit like Fraser Simons RPG, The Veil.
Calum Grace sounds like you are wasting time working and sleeping!
Greg Barnsdale And instead of Heat, it’s how pissed-off the Safeguard are oh shiiiiiiit. Marking this down as “to do, sometime in the future, likely with the serial numbers skillfully filed-off”
Charles Picard yeah, ish, its dark tho, more brutalist cyber-dungeon, less fusion future information economy. I liked the Veil, cool game, but Blame! is more my speed. Theres a decent Blame! movie on netflix, isnt half as weird as the manga but does a good job
Calum Grace YOU TRIGGERED THE SAFEGUARD LIMIT!! NET GENES!! GRAVITON BEAM EMITTER!!! and then what, when you get enough – improvements? reputation?? – the world inverts and rewrites itself? I love it, I have no idea how you could game that story. But let me know when you do
Calum Grace “chopped-and-screwed”! yes!