Hey all!

Hey all!

Hey all! I’m looking for advice and I’ve had a creative road block. The Circle of Flame faction blurb on page 286 mentions a Kotar. Welp, my crew did a job to acquire the Hand for them but then decided to keep it. They started a long-term project on Kotar’s Legacy, and are closing in on completing it but I dont know what to have happen when they do!

3 thoughts on “Hey all!”

  1. They get a lead on the Eye and the Heart? Then they have a bunch of scores to collect and unite the three relics of Kotar (which, naturally, the Circle of Flame will resent and oppose)

    What happens when you combine them? It summons Captain Pla… ahem It summons the ghost of the pre-Cataclsymic sorcerer who: (roll a d6)

    1. Tries to kill all living things

    2. Wants to know how the Song of Ice and Fire books ended and is dismayed that centuries later they still aren’t finished

    3. Wants the PCs to find a host vessel (meat or machine) so Kotar can live again and challenge the Immortal Emperor

    4. Wants to finish a ritual to bring back the sun

    5. Drops his trousers and moons the crew

    6. All of the Above

    Honestly, the world is your lobster. Its one of my favourite ‘obviously dangling plot hooks’

  2. It’s always fun to have these types of characters the players rescue be weird and helpful. Just helpful enough that the PCs quite want to kill them, and just weird enough that they worry maybe they should.

    I’d aim to have the character want to achieve something very destabilizing that the players sorta are empathetic to (free skovland, return the sun, depose the emperor, revenge himself on some faction). As he gains power and needs the PCs less it should be more apparent that what he is doing is going to cause far far too much grief.

    The best part is trying to string out the PCs as long as possible knowing that eventually they will betray this character they have done so much for.

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