7 thoughts on “Heavy armor in Scum & Villainy? (Better! lol)”

  1. Searched both the Sheets and the Book pdfs and don’t see that ability anywhere. A Medium load is enough to carry Heavy Armor (2 boxes for Armor, 3 boxes for +Heavy, pg 88)

  2. Ben Liepis As far as S&V reads, I’d say yes. Or at least that may be the intent. Heavy armour is not an option on the inventory list and the ability just gives it to you, it doesn’t require any extra load or anything. Looks like the ability just upgrades general armour to heavy armour, and otherwise heavy armour isn’t a thing.

  3. That is correct (at the moment). Mechanically most people want heavy armor for the resists, but in space opera most dashing scoundrels run around in little more than a robe or a nice jacket.

    So the availability of heavy armor is pretty limited. Even regular armor is akin to stormtrooper gear (full body stuff).

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