I have a question for everyone: what did the end of your campaign look like?

I have a question for everyone: what did the end of your campaign look like?

I have a question for everyone: what did the end of your campaign look like?

I’m curious what victory or defeat for various crews came out like. Obviously one possibility is that everyone died, but I bet there are far more interesting conclusions out there.

4 thoughts on “I have a question for everyone: what did the end of your campaign look like?”

  1. The dark ritual to summon That Which Hungers was completed, and all of existence was devoured.

    To be fair, when your crew is a cult dedicated to destroying the world, a hard ending point is pretty easy to come by.

  2. The game I was in ended the same way, but a fellow cult member poisoned his fellows and then sacrificed us to the now manifested god. The dead became spirits or monsters in the service of the unknowable deity. Very cleverly done, and fit the story perfectly.

  3. We tend to break into chapters or acts. Campaigns don’t “end,” but an arc reaches a clear resolution point and we take a break before picking up again with a new arc, same characters, different “campaign,” I suppose. Our 75-session campaign recently ended when the crew successfully took sole control of The Docks, which had been the chief’s personal obsession since their adolescence. So we’ll be picking up sometime soon with a crew that’s now responsible for governing a significant piece of real estate, on the threshold of Tier 3, managing several sub-gangs (the absorbed Lampblacks and Crimson Skulls). Kind of like the shift from Peaky Blinders Season 1 to 2.

  4. “Season 1” ended with a big score with lots of satisfying character moments (for example, gaining traumas and learning about more about the nature of the crew). “Season 2” was essentially the war for Crow’s Foot and ended with establishing a new situation in Crow’s Foot, shifting alliances, and the sprinkling in of new plot hooks involving the more arcane parts of the setting (Circle of Flame, Dimmer Sisters, Setarra).

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