I’ve had a Victorian steampunk setting brewing in my mind for a while & I’m gathering players to start a new…

I’ve had a Victorian steampunk setting brewing in my mind for a while & I’m gathering players to start a new…

I’ve had a Victorian steampunk setting brewing in my mind for a while & I’m gathering players to start a new campaign soon. My idea is to have the players be part of a detective/private eye agency, maybe they do protection work etc. After watching a lot of Blades on YouTube, I’ve been really inspired – I love the way dice work, I really like the skills & the way players can set a clock for projects. It could really work well for tinkering with some cool steampunk tech. I kind of want to run a more traditional adventure though, less sandbox.

Hacking Blades to play something a little closer to “good guys” should be fun, I’ll definitely take some cues from Vigilantes…making it less sandboxy might be difficult though. Any tips before I begin?