23 thoughts on “Prep Porn”

  1. Mark Wiand, pale yellow/cream cardstock I picked up sat Staples. As far as art goes, I’ll put everything up online when I have time later in the week and link to it here.

  2. Adam Brimmer, I run them through a program called Filter Forge. Tons of different user-made filters, and you can adjust settings on each one individually. I used the “Engraving” filter and tweaked the line density until it looked decent at print size.

  3. Amazing! Here I was wondering when I was going to find the time to dig up a bunch of portraits for my new campaign starting Friday. Now I don’t have to! I felt moved to go and buy Freebooters on the spot as some small recompense.

  4. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I wanted to create some more portraits and found out the same effect can be achieved in Gimp (free and open-source) using Filters > Distorts > Engrave… using the maximum height setting (16).

  5. Ryan Chatterton, at the outset my players chose Cultists as their crew type. That led to discussing the nature of their god and the cult’s motivation. Someone named the god Azarax, and together they decided that rhe main tenet of their faith is “control through suffering.”

    At the same time we were talking about crew names and as an example I said, “For instance, there’s a gang called The Bloodletters and another one called The Six.” So one of the players said, jokingly, “How about The Seventeen?” And of course it stuck.

    Further discussion revealed that their long-term goal is to bring Azarax into the world by creating widespread suffering through control of key figures or positions in Doskvol. They decided that The Seventeen refers to seventeen specific points of power, and one of the players sketched that diagram. The first seven points, colored in red, represent the seven PCs. The remaining points must be discovered during play, by researching arcane texts, making offerings to Azarax, etc.

    It’s great because it sets up a very clear structure for me to create tiered opportunities, and they have a lot of flexibility in terms of how they choose to go about discovering the points. Point #8 is Cortland of The Lost, hinted at by the phrase “He who ties each sin to a stone,” which the Spider discovered in a fragment of an ancient Iruvian manuscript.

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