After a long hiatus, the Coffin Street Boys are back in town!

After a long hiatus, the Coffin Street Boys are back in town!

After a long hiatus, the Coffin Street Boys are back in town! Led by their devastatingly handsome leader, Kingmaker (Slide), The Ironhook orphan “Tiny” Timothy (Cutter), Patch the Skovlander Hound, and the enigmatic Professor (Iruvian Leech) have come to hit the big city and make a name for themselves.

This is my first step up to the GM position in a while, with all four of the players being brand new to ANY RPG experience. I started them out in the standard fashion. Approached by the Lampblacks, they were brought in to speak with Baz about joining him in his war against the Red Sash menace. Here is the actual conversation in game:

Kingmaker: So, the deal is, we join and start kicking profit up to you. Then we get to fight and die for the glory of the Lampblacks?

Baz: Yes, that’s about the gist.

Kingmaker: And if we refuse? Mind our own business and let you two big, strong men fight it out?

Baz: There is no neutral to this, my good son. Only my way, or the eel farms.

Professor: Well, shit.

Kingmaker: Well….. (pauses)

(The rest of the table looks to Kingmaker’s player expectantly)

Kingmaker: …blow that for a game of soldiers. Timothy?

At which point there was a brisk fist/knife/chair/pistol fight, while Tiny Tim explored very thoroughly his Not To Be Trifled With special ability. The fight ended with the crew escaping out of the window after Tiny Tim threw Baz through it, dazed and concussed Lampblack thugs littering the room.

They decided that, rather than Shadows, perhaps there was a better crew type for them……

To be continued on the dark streets of Doskvol……

2 thoughts on “After a long hiatus, the Coffin Street Boys are back in town!”

  1. Alas, he will appear again. It takes more than a broken nose and a three story fall to take down a rogue of his caliber. However, they Lampblacks have a clock started called “Destroy those bastards from Coffin St.”, that is ticking along nicely.

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