Is anyone planning on running a game that a noob can jump into, maybe on roll20 or hangouts, I find its the best way…

Is anyone planning on running a game that a noob can jump into, maybe on roll20 or hangouts, I find its the best way…

Is anyone planning on running a game that a noob can jump into, maybe on roll20 or hangouts, I find its the best way to learn the rules.

I’m on UK time so either early or European games would be great.


10 thoughts on “Is anyone planning on running a game that a noob can jump into, maybe on roll20 or hangouts, I find its the best way…”

  1. I was, yes. Nothing in stone yet but likely to happen on a Tuesday or Thursday 7pm-ish (I’m in the UK) at some point in the future. Still collecting noobs as two of the three that asked for the game never signed up.

  2. It did not as not enough people ended up showing up – I’m still happy to run a game though so if you are interested and can make 7-10pm GMT on Tuesdays or perhaps Thursdays (which are my only free times) let me know and I’ll PM you the roll20 invite

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