4 thoughts on “Thoughts on Smugglers and Turf:”

  1. Just because their primary activity is smuggling doesn’t mean that is all they do. They can own a brothel where they gather intel on incoming ships or a drug den where they store things in the basement’s vault.

  2. Have been talking with my wife about this, as I actually have the game now. So, turf for Smugglers could be safe houses and drop points, areas where the Bluecoats don’t bother you, places to find contacts for deals, informants, safe or hidden routes for transporting goods, or places where you’re gathering from or supplying a need to someone. Plus any of the above I missed.

    There’s always more to a crew than their title.

  3. Toby Sennett: Oooh; I really like those.

    Those are very concrete ways to “make” a territory feel like it belongs to a Smuggler crew. And that make it feel like an “area” that’s theirs, not just “we have a couple of extra resources here.”

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