Not everyone wants or needs a Faction Map, but I updated the one I posted a year or so back to reflect the…

Not everyone wants or needs a Faction Map, but I updated the one I posted a year or so back to reflect the…

Not everyone wants or needs a Faction Map, but I updated the one I posted a year or so back to reflect the connections per the released rulebook, so I thought I might as well share.

Every listed faction’s relationship to The Crows, Red Sashes & The Lampblacks triangle of the Crow’s Foot district.

5 thoughts on “Not everyone wants or needs a Faction Map, but I updated the one I posted a year or so back to reflect the…”

  1. XMind. I don’t have much I can compare it to recently but I found it more intuitive than a couple other tools I’ve tried.

    The font sizes correlate with each faction’s tier & the shapes correspond to the faction type.

  2. It’s actually a pretty useful GM’s tool during crew creation if you plan to use the Crow’s Foot starting setup even if you wouldn’t dream of maintaining a Faction map in an ongoing manner. You can reference it for ideas about hunting grounds, which factions helped them get a crew upgrade or got screwed over then they got an upgrade & are un/friendly with their contact.

    You can do this with an eye towards creating either helpful confluence or awkward complication. Don’t, however, take your eye off the complete faction list and miss an opportunity to incorporate a faction a player expressed interest in during character creation.

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