So, I have three BitD hacks I’m working on to varying degrees:

So, I have three BitD hacks I’m working on to varying degrees:

So, I have three BitD hacks I’m working on to varying degrees:

KILL MISTER JOHNSON / The Continental. A game about killers for hire in a highly stylized criminal underworld. Inspired by the John Wick films starring Keanu Reeves. Currently a mini game, but I’m mulling about with building it into a full-size.

Schola Arx Mysteria. A game about students at a school for sorcerers in the shadow of THE COMING WAR. Inspired by The Magicians and Howl’s Moving Castle (the Miyazaki film; haven’t read the book). First run at playbooks are finished. Working on Circles (crews) and fleshing out the setting more.

The Jackpot. A cyberpunk game about operatives in 204X acting on behalf of a patron in 212X who has the capability of communicating with them through the dark web. Inspired by The Peripheral by William Gibson. Currently just some scribbled notes. Crew aspect would focus on leveraging foreknowledge given by the patron to manipulate the timeline to prevent a low-key apocalypse.

4 thoughts on “So, I have three BitD hacks I’m working on to varying degrees:”

  1. Matthijs Krijger I haven’t made much progress on The Continental, save for deciding to change its name to The Elysian (apparently there’s a TV show in the works set in the Wick-verse that’s called The Continental). Schola Arx Mysteria is sort of first on my priorities, out of these three hack ideas, but I’ve also been working on an original system, so, lots of irons in the fire.

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