Stras Acimovic I pitched S&V to my face-to-face group and I’m excited!

Stras Acimovic I pitched S&V to my face-to-face group and I’m excited!

Stras Acimovic I pitched S&V to my face-to-face group and I’m excited! We have these intermittent Friday night games where we try one/two-shots in new systems and there’s a 90% chance we butcher whatever it is to run Star Wars. We just finished a two-part Edge of the Empire thing where there was this Old Republic Korriban Sith artifact heist in the background, like Three Kings and Saddam’s gold.

The guys were all like “THAT sounds badass!” I was like “Korriban artifact heist? Let me sing you the song of my people!”

So now we’re gonna try that in Scum & Villainy, and it’s nice because even if I skin it as Star Wars, it’s Old Republic so I can probably just use most of your factions as-is. Who’s to say there weren’t Ashen Knives back then? 🙂


4 thoughts on “Stras Acimovic I pitched S&V to my face-to-face group and I’m excited!”

  1. May the Farce be with you, my young paddedbra apprentice… 🙂

    I keep wanting to skip the ‘ship’ part of S&V and just reskin the old quickstart deal in Crow’s Foot as a post-Jabba mess in Mos Eisley. After all, when a guy as fun and popular as Jabba gets himself all blowed up, that’s gotta leave a power vacuum, right?

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