I am almost certain I’ve seen an answer to this, either in the book or on here, but I can’t find it – if a PC…

I am almost certain I’ve seen an answer to this, either in the book or on here, but I can’t find it – if a PC…

I am almost certain I’ve seen an answer to this, either in the book or on here, but I can’t find it – if a PC assists another PC with a downtime action, does that cost the assisting PC one of their actions? I think the answer is no, but wanted to be sure, since that would be a big delta on the number of available actions in the game. Thanks!

6 thoughts on “I am almost certain I’ve seen an answer to this, either in the book or on here, but I can’t find it – if a PC…”

  1. There probably isn’t anything in the book that says other players can’t assist each other during downtime, but I don’t allow it at my table. Not that players can’t go with each other on downtime actions, but they don’t give each other the extra +1D that using a friend or contact does. I do that to encourage players to use their contacts and make friends with new NPCs in order to bring Duskvol alive.

    If I were to allow PCs to help each other, I would not force the helping player to use an a downtime action, because that’s just not worth it.

  2. Ah! Mark, you made me realize what I was getting wrong – it’s friend/ally, not crew member. I was mistakenly thinking “crew member” when I read “friend”. Thanks!

  3. The way I’ve seen it handled by a few GMs so far is that a teammate can assist another crew member with a downtime action (i.e. they take 1 stress), but doing so doesn’t cost them a downtime action, themselves. As pointed out, there’s nothing in the book about this sort of thing, but that’s probably how I’d handle it myself, as a GM.

  4. There isn’t so much assisting in downtime. You’d use the rules for downtime dictating on whether friends are assisting in your downtime. If the two scoundrels are on friendly terms, then the person making the check gets the bonus die!

  5. Cool – thanks folks. We’ve also talked about people being able to pile-on with a clock to make an advancement roll each. Need to think about that one – that would potentially let PCs power through clocks in a serious way..

  6. Nothing wrong with powering through clocks if that’s what the pcs want. I can’t think of any reason why someone who could work toward a LTP can’t make a roll.

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