Loving the game so far! Here is a gameplay question:

Loving the game so far! Here is a gameplay question:

Loving the game so far! Here is a gameplay question:

A PC tries to use Finesse to jump over the moon. As GM, I declare that’s silly and impossible, so no roll is allowed. But what if a Tier 0 PC tries to use Command on a Tier 3 Mob boss. Does the GM have the right to declare that being silly and impossible? What if the mark is a Tier 6 deity? In a situation where it might be possible, even if it’s one-in-a-million longshot, must the roll allowed? Sure, I could set the effect level at No Effect, but once the roll is allowed, the players have the mechanical tools so that it becomes a real possibility that they will succeed.

7 thoughts on “Loving the game so far! Here is a gameplay question:”

  1. I would not allow a roll for a one-in-a-million. However, I do see how a scrappy rogue could unsettle a much more powerful person. I would totally allow the roll, even with reduced effect, and I would hope the rogue would succeed–because nothing motivates powerful people to lash out like fear does, and being ruffled and uneasy because of some nobody would provoke a disproportionate response. =)

    For a supernatural creature, I’d be comfortable disallowing the roll (though I could see a similar punching up dynamic for a whisper or a qualified leech.)

    I don’t think there’s a right answer and a wrong answer. I think the way you decide how to use the mechanics is part of the defining flavor of how your table runs the game, and that’s a good thing.

  2. you have the option of giving them a clock(s) to fill if you think one action (or even setup action + action) wouldn’t be enough. Or just say it’ll take multiple actions if you don’t like clocks.

  3. I mean, keep in mind that alternatively if it is a one-in-a-million shot they shouldn’t even roll, because that’s always a sure thing. 😉 The answers here are great, I just felt like adding the narrative scoundrel touch here.

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