Elite Thugs and Quality weapons.

Elite Thugs and Quality weapons.

Elite Thugs and Quality weapons.

So Guys Im curious how the elite crew upgrades and the quality upgrades interact for working out cohort effect.

Can someone help clarify it please?

For example if the crew is tier I, they have elite thugs and quality weapons, does that mean for combat purposes I should treat the cohort of thugs like tier 3 in terms of effect and tier 1 for scale? I’m not convinced how these should interact so any clarification would be great.

13 thoughts on “Elite Thugs and Quality weapons.”

  1. I believe Quality upgrades only affect the PCs’ gear, not their cohorts. Elite doesn’t modify effect or scale. It gives +1d when the cohort rolls within their area of expertise.

    So, if a Tier 1 crew had elite thugs and quality weapons, the thugs would function exactly like any other Tier 1 group of thugs, except they would roll 2d when taking thug-type actions instead of 1d.

  2. “Each upgrade improves the quality rating of all the PCs’ items of that type, beyond the quality established by the crew’s Tier and fine items. You can improve the quality of Documents, Gear (covers Burglary Gear and Climbing Gear), Arcane Implements, Subterfuge Supplies, Tools (covers Demolitions Tools and Tinkering Tools), and Weapons. “

    (Pg. 95)

    Confirmed it is just the PCs stuff.

  3. Mark Cleveland Massengale: The description of the Quality upgrade that Michael Yater helpfully posted above says they increase the quality of the gear “beyond the quality established by the crew’s Tier and fine items”. So, if you have a fine item and the Quality upgrade for that type of gear, then it’s quality is your Tier +2.

    Edit: Cross-posted with Michael above.

  4. These are some aspects I hadnt considered too deeply before. Cant wait to get my special edition and do a cover to cover read through of the rules again.

  5. Yes, Lukas Myhan that is true, however my question is different (I was going to start a new thread but this question seems closely related). I am asking about the fine wrecker tools is because while they are Not the tools specified, they are another kind of “tools”. About which my players wondered: shouldn’t this be covered by the same upgrade? Has a lot of the same stuff in there..

  6. I thought so too, but Disagreed in the end. I should have quoted the closest edge case (weapons) rather than that one. Because, in game my call was to agree with you Michael- until Arcane Implements and Tools came up, and they wondered if that shouldn’t apply to the Whispers spirit mask too. I ruled nah, but then Weapons came up, and I had to wonder if that is intended to be all weapons, or just standard item weapons? If the former, the Hounds fine rifle gets to be tier +2, for example. I ruled it does not apply to anything not specified, which has me a bit on the fence. But like, how deep does the rabbit hole go if you are right, I wonder Michael Yater

  7. You do have the right among your group to make that call. But the example given under the quality upgrade says this,

    “So, if you are Tier 0, with fine lockpicks (+1) and the Quality upgrade for gear (+1), you could contend equally with a Tier II quality lock.”

    So quality does stack with fine items from playbooks, and it says you can apply it to Documents, Gear (covers Burglary Gear and Climbing Gear), Arcane Implements, Subterfuge Supplies, Tools (covers Demolitions Tools and Tinkering Tools), and Weapons.

    Going off that for my own group I would rule it applies to all things.

  8. You referenced this before – the ambiguity for me in that example comes from lockpicks being a component from a standard item. my fault: my question is worded more clearly as being about what others are doing with items not specified persay but in the same wheelhouse, too – and how others might be interpreting the example you are talking about on both accounts (standard and non standard items)

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