How could you not use this in your blades game?!

How could you not use this in your blades game?!

How could you not use this in your blades game?!

I’m buying a couple 🙂

Originally shared by Gherhartd Sildoenfein

Quel cachotier ce Guillaume Tavernier, il ne nous dit pas ici sur G+ qu’il a lancé une campagne de foulancement pour un artbook avec ses superbes plans. 16€ (+4 à 6€ de frais de port) pour l’artbook et le pdf, 8€ pour le pdf seul, avec au moins 64 pages / 32 plans. (Là maintenant on en est à 36 plans + 1 donjon sur 2 niveaux.)

(Petite demande personnelle : dis, Mr Tavernier, par rapport au proto, tu retirerais pas le cadre pour donner encore plus d’ampleur au plan ? Parce que moi c’est vraiment lui qui m’intéresse.)

15 thoughts on “How could you not use this in your blades game?!”

  1. Its in French at present, but may be an english translation stretch goal? Anyways, the colour maps in a notebook with profile diagrams is enough for me 🙂

  2. I might have passed the word to the designer and he is willing to try to make a kickstarter for an international version.

    I’ll keep you updated.

  3. I know Michael found a way to buy, but could someone help me? Or if a English version comes out I would gets copy. But until them, how do I get the PDF or is it still in production?

  4. Allan Prewett — go to the page, click the ‘menu’ button at top left, click ‘changer la langue’ (change the language), pick ‘Anglais’ for english. it won’t translate absolutely everything but it should be enough to order.

  5. Is anyone able to give me an update on how this is going? I believe i backed it for the pdf, could not afford the print and i am getting french emails but no idea where its at. Sorry i am having some real life issues at the moment so not really consentrating on working out translations etc


  6. So far the book is:

    41 maps & descriptions

    2 dungeons

    1 regional map

    1 adventure (16p)

    8 NPC

    All plans in .png (with and without grid).

    Also, the book will be printed in France (so the author can supervise all the process).

    He will also publish other campaign afterward (one for Talhala, the city of eagle, a cool Arabian city) and he is thrilled by everyone support.

    I think that’s all :p

  7. I don’t have a release date, but I’ve been putting his emails into a doc that I’ve been translating with google translate. Here’s what I’ve saved so far —

    I have just proceeded to the draw of the subscriber who can choose a plan that will appear in the book.

    Of course you have to trust me 🙂 I join two screenshots of my honesty!

    And now, it’s over, it’s 00:02, we’re 02 June and the finacement is closed.

    The figures reached me a little turn my head … and we also put a little pressure 🙂 27262 euros collected, 1387 contributors and 1270 pounds to send. Ouch, that’s one more than I imagined 🙂

    Thank you all! There is still some work but the deadline for shipments in July will certainly be met. I return to you quickly to organize the draw of the subscriber who can choose a place to illustrate. And I would give you news regularly.

    Thanks to you for this incredible success!

    Funding will end tomorrow evening, there is still time to subscribe to the project!

    The work began, Géraud has just begun the creation of texts. We have to keep the rhythm for a quick release 🙂 Here are two examples of setting in atmospheres, small texts chiselled, filled with tracks to use the place as it should be!

    The texts and the layout are not contractual;)

    Laurent, he … well, he is skinning TAHALA;)

    T here, the landing of 18000 euros fell! A big thanks to all of you !

    It was the last step, impossible to add anything without changing the original specifications, which I do not wish to do. So I will watch the counter continue to live his life until June 2 🙂

    We still have work to do the book. Géraud began to write and for my part the work on the illustrations has progressed well. Only Laurent had sufficiently taken in advance to enjoy the sun in his chaise longue 🙂

    See you soon for adventure news.

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