So far, my player’s Hawkers are doing a great job of pissing off the Red Sashes.

So far, my player’s Hawkers are doing a great job of pissing off the Red Sashes.

So far, my player’s Hawkers are doing a great job of pissing off the Red Sashes. However their next intention is to take a LUXURY VENUE from them. I have some details to offer them, but I’m a little nervous on the improv’ side of things. Can you folks help me brainstorm?

How can they “take” the Luxury Venue, and what sorts of complications and obstacles would make for an interesting Score?

6 thoughts on “So far, my player’s Hawkers are doing a great job of pissing off the Red Sashes.”

  1. I would think that taking a business, really means taking over the protection racket for that business. They have to convince the owner that they are better off paying the group than the Red Sashes. The Red Sashes will want to keep their claim, resulting income, and useful side effect. “We’d never think of charging you” Your group needs to convince the Red Sashes to stop extorting the venue, so that they can. Make it not worthwhile to hold on to.

  2. Thanks Christoph, I hadn’t considered the protection racket angle. I will keep that one in my pocket as the players gather information.

    I’m looking at Page 189 for ways to prep my Leads that still allow the players to craft their Score.

    The only other idea I had for a lead was that the Red Sashes might not own the venue in proper bureaucratic fashion. The previous owner is missing, presumed dead. Either of those details might be an not-so-obvious vector… possibly even an Occult vector if they can locate the body or ghost…

  3. In John’s Bloodletters game, the crew literally showed up, executed most of the employees at the vice den and scared the rest into working for them. When the inevitable counter attack from the Red Sashes came, the Bloodletters just killed all of those people as well. After that I assume the Red Sashes just wrote off that particular claim as lost.

  4. Or a blackmail approach, where the crew finds enough information about the current management that they may be convinced that working for and paying ot the crew is more better than paying to the red sashes. When the counter attacks comes the crew must help the management to stand strong or loose the turf again.

  5. In the end they took the “not so obvious” vector and decided to boost their savvy reputation by legally swooping the venue out from under the Sashes. They ran a deception score into the Hall of Archives requesting a routine Deed transfer to the original owners surviving heir. In this case, the heir was a 14 yr old girl who’s an elite rook (cohort). It went well until a series of bad rolls got an Inspector suspicious. They tried to jump him in a dark hallway and only managed to knock him out and run. They switched the documents right under the Archivists nose and walked out. Then had the Bluecoats remove the drunken Red Sash trespassers.

    I described the hall of archives like the bureaucratic dystopia from the movie Brazil. Pneumatic tubes everywhere, formed filed in triplicate, slow and methodical clerks. The group made liberal use of the “documents” gear, noting they initially thought it was an odd/lame choice for gear haha. “Why yes, Archivist, I DO have a proper 347B request form”

    We skipped the roll for Entanglements and started a new clock with several ticks for Inspector Legrasse who’s quite determined to find who jumped him…

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