John Harper Sean Nittner I’ve seen you both share pictures of the finished book on Twitter. Any chance of you putting some shots of those deep black pages here? 😜
Also, now that the book is printed, what the timeline for shipping and when can we expect the Special Edition?
Sean, I believe, said on Twitter that because they have their books, printing of the standard edition is on schedule and happening this week. So I figure books will start hitting people’s mailboxes in the coming weeks.
They’ve said that the Special Edition won’t be shipping until something like May 12th, I believe.
Yeah, they are due to be delivered to the distribution company on May 12th, so they should start shipping shortly after IIRC.
Yep, Alfred Rudzki’s got it. As for pics, here’s a personal favorite.
Thanks all … and you’ve gotta love those deep blacks.