The Train Job

The Train Job

The Train Job

Canter, Oskarr, and Arcy decide that to gain favor with the Grinders (Tier II) we’ll knock over government trains protected by the Imperial Military (Tier IV). Play proceeds as expected!

But seriously folks, we have conundrum on our hands. Now that we have all the bombs, what shouldn’t we blow up?

Remember scoundrels, if you don’t vote for it, I can’t promise it won’t be blown up.

Link to actual play report:

GM: John Harper

Players: Adam Koebel, Stras Acimovic, and me.

12 thoughts on “The Train Job”

  1. I feel like people have misunderstood the poll. The crematorium is obviously the best choice to blow up. You guys have hella troubles with the Spirit Wardens, and a Duskvol without a reliable way to dispose of ghosts is the most delicious complication. Why would anyone want you to save it?

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