I’ve always had a fondness for the 40k setting (especially the weirder, brit-scifi, classic flavour), and Blades…

I’ve always had a fondness for the 40k setting (especially the weirder, brit-scifi, classic flavour), and Blades…

I’ve always had a fondness for the 40k setting (especially the weirder, brit-scifi, classic flavour), and Blades felt like a perfect fit – a crew of ratbags trying to make a mark in an uncaring universe without getting crushed by the many cruel icebergs out in the dark ocean of space.

Anyway, here’s my initial stab at a reskin, to see if it might have legs.


23 thoughts on “I’ve always had a fondness for the 40k setting (especially the weirder, brit-scifi, classic flavour), and Blades…”

  1. Oh wow, this is nice! I dig the Tarot card-esque items pages too.

    I ‘ve been wondering about how hard it would be to run Rogue Traders with Stras Acimovic’s Scum & Villainy.

  2. Mark Cleveland Massengale Hey thanks ! I did the tarot card illustrations.

    Renaud van Strydonck Cheers! Yeah I felt restricted by the Rogue Trader RPG classes (seneschal, rogue trader, navigator, etc) and thought that fate-by-tarot felt more at home with both BitD and the kind of gothic occult vibe that I like in my 40k.

  3. Oh, this looks real dang good. Been trying to wrap my head around running Rogue Trader with a more coherent and freeform ruleset, and this is fitting the bill so far

  4. After looking at it a bit closer, I realized Power Armour doesn’t fit for what it is fictionally. One use per mission doesn’t feel very “power-armour”y I’m afraid.. I think the armour needs to be an item.

    The power armor’s fiction tells us this needs to be a new type of load one can mark, since the usual 5-load for other armor makes sense & should still exist. So maybe this should be 6-load (ok maybe not, 6 is a Lot).

    but i mean, it’s got a bajillion capabilities. I almost think it needs to be even more special than That (cohort style).

    WhatEver the cost to use it is, it could lessened with the Power Armour ability. Or they need special training and this is that.

    Tim Denee PMed you just now about some possible arts

  5. Mark Cleveland Massengale Yeah, fair call, the power armour is the bit I was least sure about. It’s tricky to get right. What I don’t want is a situation where everybody feels like they have to run around in power armour all the time. I also don’t want to make it too fiddly. I wonder if it should just be an extra layer of armour for even more load (where a bionic spine would come in handy) and/or a move that lets you take it for less load. (I don’t think I got your pm!)

    John Harper Yes good point! They could do with a bit more gothic over-ornamentation generally; I wonder about skulls for the blade trackers?? Skulls everywhere feels on-brand…

  6. By the Holy Light of the Emperor, this is awesome. I was considering a Dark Heresy Hack of my own, but I am still a bit stuck on the type of “shared sheet” to give the group. Treating the Inquisitor as a sheet seems a bit of a stretch.

  7. Tarald Røste Thanks! To be honest, RoosterEma finished his Blades of the Inquisition hack, which was so good I wasn’t sure how I could improve on it – although a rogue trader is a bit of a different proposition, so I might still come back to this (I did pretty much have the whole thing in my head, just not on paper).

  8. Tim Denee by all means go back to it if you have the time 🙂 Rogue Traders are very different from inquisitors, my hack doesn’t allow for that playstyle! Not to mention how cool it would be to explore unknown space on your own ship!

  9. I agree! The concepts are different enough that FFG published complete and separate book-lines for them. I love what you’ve done so far, so get back to work! For the Emprah!

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