6 thoughts on “What action would you use for gambling?”

  1. Games of skill (cards etc) – Consort, it’s about playing your opponent more than the game. Fortune roll for games of chance (dice, roulette etc). Finesse for cheating.

  2. When our Slide (who had Like Looking in a Mirror) spent a couple of nights at a casino, it was primarily to act as a distraction front rest of the crew who were gathering info on how to hit the place. Each night, I gave him a choice. He could decide that overall he was coming out ahead, which would add to a clock that would equal his winnings at the end, but it would also contribute to the Suspicion click that was opposing the whole group. Alternately, he could decide to lose, which would flush both clocks. As the primary objective was filling in a third click called Case the Joint, he had to do this once or twice, and ended up with only a little extra Coin to show for it. Didn’t matter too much because a couple days later the crew knocked over the whole casino.

  3. Study may be an appropriate action to use in some games, especially those where one plays against the rules. Might make sense for playing against a player as well if you use Study to read people. You might be able to attune to the game if you know the right devil or the game itself has ties to the occult. On Earth there is a version of the Tarot deck that is used to play card games for example.

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