Anyone else want to see these dice that +John Harper drew put into production for use in Blades?

Anyone else want to see these dice that +John Harper drew put into production for use in Blades?

Anyone else want to see these dice that +John Harper drew put into production for use in Blades? Hey +Fred Hicks could a run be done by EHP? Your Fate dice are beautiful.

16 thoughts on “Anyone else want to see these dice that +John Harper drew put into production for use in Blades?”

  1. That die is pretty metal. (even more so if it was cast in metal!!!). It would have to be usable, but I think it could be. The top triangle (one shape) is a 1. The facing side (5 points) would be a 5, or a 6 (if you counted the center dot). The other four faces would just need 2,3,4,5/6 and it could be used in the game 🙂

    Die casting is super expensive and needs to be done in bulk. I’ve made my own metal dice and these took hours! But if someone was really good, making dice like the one above would be awesome. We have any accomplished blacksmiths out there?

  2. If we have three shapes, that’s all we need. Fail, Partial Success, Full Success. But what is on those other faces in the drawing, John Harper? 😉

  3. I would love to see a die with 3 blank sides, 2 with a single blade (like the blade in the blades logo) and one side with the double blades. A lot like the Mouse Guard dice, actually.

  4. todd estabrook that would be great, yeah!

    Sean Nittner Fred Hicks John Harper As far as I know, there are cheap metal factories in Thai (you can contact Kacha Torn, AKO Dice). And Poland is not so expensive as USA. Bulk order will be around 2 thousand dice, which won’t be overprint, as I feel. And forms will be saved, lowering next print cost. Nickel+Copper+Aluminium melt will be great, but expensive, pure Aluminium or Steel can save the costs. Maybe Chris Ovdiyenko can help with his USA contacts.

    And it is “5” on the left side. 🙂

  5. I would love to have one of those. I have a chrome d6 that I use for Devil’s Bargains. It’s great because it’s so HEAVY. When someone across the table accepts a bargain I pass it down the line, so everyone gets to feel the weight of it.

  6. I have one of these that is gold-plated, given to me as a gift by the U.S. Iron Dice distributor. They are awesome dice, but they can seriously scratch/dent a wooden table if you’re not careful!

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