8 thoughts on “Any news about Scum and Villany?”

  1. I was talking with Stras last night while he was working on 1.6. I know it will be fully Blades 8.1 compliant. I can’t speak to his timeline except to say I know he and John LL are working on it vigorously.

  2. Good news? I’m fixing armor on the sheets tonight, and I have (already written, it’s about 4 pages) one section left to lay out and 1.6 will be ready for editing. Sean’s right, we merged in a bunch of v8 rules changes, though we kept some old stuff (like healing).

    Duamn – ping me privately.

  3. I’m going to be using Scum and Villainy for my Blades Star Wars game and I’m eagerly awaiting the next update. I love the ship sheet and rules and I’m hoping for more ships and modules in the future and more support for campaign play. Really great work.

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