For those of us coming from 7.1 to the final release, is there a reference list or something of rule changes?

For those of us coming from 7.1 to the final release, is there a reference list or something of rule changes?

For those of us coming from 7.1 to the final release, is there a reference list or something of rule changes?

I can see from browsing the community that Faction hold and the engagement role changed, which has made me wonder about other rule changes.

3 thoughts on “For those of us coming from 7.1 to the final release, is there a reference list or something of rule changes?”

  1. I was looking for an older post where we went over them but it’s buried deep in the archives of dark-google.

    Since I couldn’t find them the short version is just about everything except the core mechanics (action/fortune rolls, position, effect) and the basic structures of play (engagement, score, payoff, downtime). have been changed, sometimes only slightly. Even the the play process has been modified slightly by adding the “free play” section sect.

    My advice would be to read v8.1 (the final version) whole cloth. Tough some sections in the “basics” chapter will be the same (or very similar), there are enough changes that it’s worth pouring over the whole thing.

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