I have to share a few moments from yesterday’s Connoisseurs game…

I have to share a few moments from yesterday’s Connoisseurs game…

I have to share a few moments from yesterday’s Connoisseurs game…

So, Sapphire (the sardonic, hard-drinking Lurk) and Jack (the Spider who’s look is a mix of Eric Draven and Joker…with a mind close to both!) are hired by Bazso to steal the Red Sashes’ war treasury (I like that suggestion, even for Assassins), being as they performed their task of murdering the Iruvian consulate contact perfectly (yep, like that one, too!).

So, before the hiest, Sapphire wakes to a Red Sash plunging a dagger towards her. She blocks the blade, taking a slight cut to her forearm, then proceeds to stab the assassin in the lung, disabling her enough for questioning. Unfortunately, the dice decided the Red Sash died of shock before Sapphire could have words. Shortly after, Jack arrives and decides to behead the Red Sash and bundle her head in the sash…

Cut to the job, all the way to the Red Sash vault, where they get in with nary a hitch (the engagement and action rolls went so well!), steal the treasury and prominently display the head! Part of me was thinking, “What the…?” and another was “Oh! Oh, that is SO ballsy!”

The next score…

They’re taking turf by way of killing a certain Red Sash “officer” who runs that piece of the Red Sash pie. A Desperate engagement roll removes the crew’s scale advantage, since there are now two Red Sashes and two Cabbies, in a cab. One flashback (Jack does what’s needed to get a costly grenade) later and Sapphire’s Commanding their new thugs to charge the cab. One gets hurt and is incapacitated while the other shears two legs off of one of the two goats. The cab’s limping along, improving Jack’s position so he can mount the cab just long enough to dodge a bullet and toss in the grenade…

The target dives out as the grenade detonates and is graphically wounded. Sapphire, who has quite a personal beef with the man, walks up, looks him in his one good, hate-filled eye and shoots him in the head. She then turns to the shocked onlookers and calmly explains that the Connoisseurs are now in charge. Jack tips his hat, smiling and the thugs follow as their bosses escape.

So, they’re freaking violent! lol They’re at a Wanted level and because of their shenanigans (coupled with some fortune rolls highly in their favor) the Red Sashes are now Tier 1 weak. The war goes on…