Blades in the Dark Special Edition cover art
It won’t be on retail shelves, so it doesn’t need a title or back cover copy or anything. Figured I might as well do something crazy while I can. 🙂
We plan to do a spot-gloss on the blades, matte finish for the rest of the cover.
Oh fuck yes. Brilliant.
Oh man, that looks awesome. Love the idea of the minimalist cover, it’ll really stand out.
Looked at it at an angle, saw only the tips of the blades.
“Oh that is pretty ni-“
Turned my phone and saw the handles pop out from the black.
“Holy shit!”
So good!
Just, gorgeous.
Will not be a spine-display volume. 😀
Very glad I sprung for the Special Edition
Wut. Shut the front door.
that is some hot stuff right there
Holy hotness!
I just peed in my pants more than a little…
That is glorious!
Anything on the spine?
Yum. Looking forward to it.
Yep. Definitely minimal. Love it. Definitely will raise an eyebrow as my children peruse my book shelf.
Looks awesome! Glad I went for the SE
My only concern is the darkness- hoping the printer can get those blades to really pop (the contrast isn’t great on this image)
Wait, those are blades? WTF?! I thought they were the teeth of a clockwork death-beaver. Unsold! Good day, sir!
I could tell what you were going for even on a bad monitor, but it REALLY shines on my phone, with maxed brightness, in a dark room. I hope the printer can pull THAT off, because I stand by my original “hnnnnnnggg”
This made me cave and order the Special Edition.
Shit, that looks nice.
Thanks, everyone! I’m glad you like it. I’ll get a proof from the printer, so I can make sure the contrast is good enough to make out the black blades against the dark background.
Epic. Can’t wait!
Holy crap that’s amazing.
Ben Liepis I am so putting a clockwork death beaver in a game. Hmm. I’m kicking off a Smallville series soon. I sense a supervillain who does things with clockwork in my future.
David Dorward , I mentioned that because only the orange tips were visible on my tablet at the time (it wasn’t a knock on the art at all) and “clockwork beaver” popped into my head. I’m happy to have inspired super villainy! 🙂
Sexy books… kinda makes you wanna turn bibliophile. Amiright? 😉
Colin Matter , oh yeah. The paper cuts are worth it.
Love it!
Colin, I think you mean bibliosexual. 🙂
Blake Hutchins , that’s where I was going. lol
I don’t hate it but I don’t know what it’s supposed to represent either. I guess I like my art less abstracted.
They’re blades. In the dark. I couldn’t see anything but the tips at first, but look up and you can see the rest. Awesome stuff.
Blake Hutchins​ Ben Liepis​ exactly what I meant, but my way is confusing because of its multiple meanings in English. And therefore is more correct and better. :]
Let’s just stop the foreplay and admit this cover is sexy as hell. 😉
youtube.com – George Takei Oh My
It’s so coooool!
Can’t wait for it!
I cry myself to sleep every night because I missed out on the special edition cover. Quietly though so my retail edition can’t hear me.
Had a friend pick up a special edition for me at Gen Con. Soon my pain will be soothed.