What does the second Vehicle upgrade (for Smugglers) do? I am guessing its like a multipurpose upgrade which could be Boat/Carriage as needed, and does what those do when second box is spent there.
If so, then it provides armor like the second Carriage or Boat upgrades, and this is being duplicated by Like Part of the Family’s benefit for having the upgraded Vehicle; so I would then wonder if this was an oversight or intentional?
Yep, it provides armor. Like Part of the Family is referencing the same vehicle as the vehicle in the crew upgrade. Just like the Hound’s move Ghost Hunter references the same pet as his Hunting Pet in the items.
I think you already saw this, but that’s what this line in Like Part of hte Family is referencing: “If the vehicle is upgraded (two boxes), it also gets armor”.
If you upgrade your vehicle without taking the move Like Part of the Family, it still gets armor, but it can’t act as a cohort and make rolls.
Cool. Thanks for the clarification
And so having that ability then grants the vehicle 2 armor when its upgraded instead of the usual 1? Maybe should have another square for that on the character sheet for Smugglers.
Sorry, I might have confused it more. Having that ability just grant the vehicle the ability to act as a cohort (and get an edge and flaw). Adding the 2nd vehicle box upgrade grants it the armor (with or without the move).
Rereading: last comment I meant.. when you add Like Part of the Family, does it provide a second block of armor when combined with Vehicle upgrade 2 that already provides armor on its own, or is that benefit of LPotF wasted
And in other words, the benefit of having LPotF plus second vehicle upgrade is armor, which is the same as the benefit of having a second vehicle upgrade. So the last line in the ability LPotF makes little sense
Stepping back a bit as I think I’ve gotten off track. All smugglers get a vehicle.
If you take the 2nd upgrade box, it has armor.
If you take LPofF, the vehicle acts as a cohort.
If you take both, it has both.
The reasons why the armor is mentioned in LPotF is because Vehicles are unique to smugglers (not on page 95).
If you would like extra armor, that is actually possible though. Take the vehicle upgrade and the Reavers move.
If you need space to record two armor boxes, draw a line dividing the armor box in two. voila.
I think you are on track Sean Nittner it’s just the distinction I am making is perhaps unclear.
LPotF isnt doing anything special when combined with Vehicle upgrade 2 despite the special line in LPotF about it, and I think this might’ve been unintentional. From my understanding at the start of this thread, and confirmed throughout this discussion: Armor for a Vehicle is gotten by having Vehicle upgrade 2 (with or without the LPotF ability).
So, what I am saying now is Why does this line in LPotF exist?: “If the vehicle is upgraded (two boxes), it also gets armor.” We get armor for the vehicle with or without that line or ability, and yet it exists – seemingly wasted.
I think it’s just there because a vehicle is unique to smugglers and there isn’t rules for them on page 95 (where for instance there is rules for getting the 2nd upgrade on a boat). I’ll talk to John to see if we can find another place for it to avoid confusion.