I’m hopefully going to be running Blades with a new group soon.

I’m hopefully going to be running Blades with a new group soon.

I’m hopefully going to be running Blades with a new group soon.

My plan was to have them coming into the city to deal with the Lampbacks/Red Sashes war and see how things progress.

My idea was that the players in the group with a rich/higher stature in society background would be working for a richer noblemen or even as the emperors underlings. Whereas the poorer/thug like characters would be working for them. Giving the group a mix of dynamics.

The “rich” characters would be trying to please their “lord” by making a crew and infiltrating the district whereas the “poor” characters would be out to better themselves.

What do people think of this idea? Also would you keep some facts a mystery. Like the poor know they’re working for someone but don’t exactly know who etc.

4 thoughts on “I’m hopefully going to be running Blades with a new group soon.”

  1. Sounds like fun… I always feel (especially in a new game) that having the characters also be “in the dark” about goings on in the city is a good thing – have both players and characters be exploring together.

  2. Andrew Shields​ that is brilliant. It’s exactly the kind of thing I’d want. Unfortunately these players are brand new so adding to the game maybe a bit too taxing. Will be knicking a few concepts though and try and introduce the slowly.

  3. If nothing else, you could take the favor bank and integrate it into the entanglement. “Oh dear, looks like you need to support the family by taking Lord Sluggo to the ball and making sure he doesn’t go off on one of his clean energy tirades in front of everyone. Don’t wear anything you’ll want to wear again, he’s awfully clumsy.”

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