The Silver Tendrils reconvened this past Friday.

The Silver Tendrils reconvened this past Friday.

The Silver Tendrils reconvened this past Friday. Scurlock reached out to us for a relatively unknown crew to track down a ghost with some sort of valuable information before the Spirit Wardens or the Path of Echos.

The four tendrils present split into two smaller teams, the whisper and the cutter went to the ghosts mortal home where their weird powers would be most useful while the hound and the leech went to trail the Wardens in the hopes of discovering some clues or undermining their efforts. This proved to be a bad choice when the two decided to raid the leech’s stash while on the prowl.

One killed Warden, a kidnapped one, two stolen masks, and a burned down restaurant sent everyone scrambling to deflect the heat while completing the score. Eventually the crew were able to get some vital info from the captured Warden and trick him into thinking the Path of Echoes had caused all the chaos.

Shortly after the crew made their way back to the manor with the goods in tow, and the cutter wondering if he needs to put a little fear into the hound and leech for kicking up such a mess.