Last post from me this morning, I swear!

Last post from me this morning, I swear!

Last post from me this morning, I swear!

Is anyone doing a classic fantasy Blades hack? I see Vandel J. Arden made a really cool character sheet recently for a basic Warrior, Rogue, and Mage game, but I’m looking for basically D&D in Blades form, with all the archetypal D&D classes as playbooks, and unique game effects for each race. If nobody’s working on it, does anyone want to? If someone is working on it, can I help?

13 thoughts on “Last post from me this morning, I swear!”

  1. No, that’s not necessary. I was wondering if someone had done a more in-depth hack. Your sheet is an awesome reskin. I’m wondering if anyone has tried to go further than that.

  2. The classic classes, the races, and maybe some changes to the core rules to better fit the flavor of high fantasy adventure. I haven’t thought it all through. Was just wondering if anyone’s already working on it.

  3. BoB will have a number of building blocks to this (and BAD has some great dungeon design rules from what I saw). I’m super interested and can maybe help out. Although I’d go more classic (WRM is closer to my jam).

  4. I think I’ll wait until those two hacks are finished, see what I can splice between them, and then see what’s left that I would want. I’ve had regular running D&D games on and off for years, and I keep getting bored in them. The Blades system is just so much more engaging, and I’d like to do a solid D&D hack so I can keep the tradition going.

  5. Blades Against Darkness is just going through some editing right now and should be out in a matter of days. The included setting is not your traditional fantasy stuff, but you should be able to ignore all that and make it work in your desired setting.

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