Hey Guys

Hey Guys

Hey Guys,

My GM is currently running 2 games of Blades, and I play as Kronos the Spider in one of them. Soon i expect to join the second campaign with a new character. Kronos recently was asked by his girlfriend Salia to look after her best friend Alia during a dangerous mission she was on, and I plan to make my new character in that crew one of our elite rooks sent in to infiltrate by Kronos in order to keep an eye on Alia and also to feed back any information of worth to Kronos.

I don’t particularly want to play a Slide, but how do I incorporate the “rook” aspect into other classes? I know rooks are meant to be socialites, and he will definitely have social skills, but I’d rather have a different base to work off with points put into social skills.

Any suggestions would be appreciated and thanks in advance.

One thought on “Hey Guys”

  1. Since you say the new character is infiltrating, Lurk with dots in social skills sounds pretty appropriate — particularly if you pick the special ability ‘infiltrator’, which fits both in name and in mechanics. The character being a member of an elite gang means the Lurk’s ‘expertise’ special ability also makes a lot of sense.

    Just for another take, you could also play a Whisper — magic works with pretty much anything. ‘Compel’ and ‘Iron Will’ come to mind as abilities.

    While you might think to use your veteran abilities on Slide abilities, I’d also recommend the ‘Sharp’ ability from the Hound. Social situations could involve a fair number of Insight resistance rolls.

    The main thing you’d lose by not playing a Slide is the playbook xp trigger. The Slide’s is definitely the most appropriate, but you can work in the other ones if you think creatively.

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