Sola and Nymn made their debut in the Good Shepherds last night, and overall it was a pretty fun session.

Sola and Nymn made their debut in the Good Shepherds last night, and overall it was a pretty fun session.

Sola and Nymn made their debut in the Good Shepherds last night, and overall it was a pretty fun session.

We won’t be playing next week due to it being Christmas and us all having family things, but we should come out of our new years stupor to kick off the RP right the week after!

Originally shared by Kyle Greene

The Shepherds met last night to introduce the substitute PCs for Sarge (badly injured), and Loki (in jail). We Mind Trick a leviathan, set off some bombs, and increase our hold, and then blow all the coin we got as soon as we got it!

The Shepherds Jedi Mind Trick a Leviathan, set off some bombs, and increase their hold, and manage to NOT go up a wanted level this time!