Westblades in the Dark-Marches: my game starts tonight.
Tonight I begin a game that I’ve been thinking about doing for a while. During the Christmas break I dedicate a bunch of time to running a west-marches style game for members of Adam Koebel​’s Mathsquad. Last year was Monster of the Week, this year is Blades in the Dark.
I have 17 players in a pool, and each session runs 4-5 people for 4 hours, and I schedule games to cater for every time zone (some start at 5am for me!)
It’s been an interesting process. I used polls to create the crew, with each player choosing options, and then taking the most popular choices, although the faction ticks list is quite big now.
I’m not explicitly using the situation from the Quick Start, although those narrative positions are true, and instead I’m using this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XXgg2KTLOgmFsJHYugtjByE2ZDRMSWuc-u-o5r7C38k/edit?usp=drivesdk .
I’ll update regularly, and maybe even record them.
If anyone has any experience running a Blades game of this sort, what was your experience like?
So incredibly Hyped to be part of this 🙂
This is awesome. Have fun!
Oh man. This does indeed sound awesome! I wish I had joined, but I had Math Squad set to @mentions, so I never knew! Foolish me!
Blaze Azelski​ If you want to join in, just check the Mathsquad LFG_RPG channel! Plenty of room for everyone.
John Harper​ first game wrapped up, and looking forward to the next. It looks like the Crew will get XP pretty quickly in comparison to how quick the players will get it, and I’m wondering what your thoughts are on being able to start another crew type. Maybe as an upgrade costing 2 points, the crew creates a new crew sheet, but doesn’t get to take any extra assets. players can select the crew type they go with at the beginning of the session.
I’m starting my own west marches style campaign tonight! Here was some feedback when I asked for tips here: plus.google.com – I’m looking for some advice at adapting Blades in the Dark to an open table /…