My player’s current goals:

My player’s current goals:

My player’s current goals:

spider – to became a vampire (step 1 achieved – he is dead now)

slide – to die (telling my players about the post-death playbooks made them unbelievably suicidal, and they were never very careful)

hound – to marry his nemesis

leech – I’m not sure and I’m the frigging GM

whisper – to burn down a local church

lurk – to find, tame and ride ghost horse I’ve mentioned once AS PART OF A RUNNING GAG

Your game is weird John, the good kind of weird.

4 thoughts on “My player’s current goals:”

  1. I like the cut of your spider’s jib. Assuming it fits with the group, my character the first time I play(instead of GMing) will be a spider who wants to be a vampire too. 😛

    I haven’t had players trying to kill themselves to become ghosts or vampires yet in my games, but a Leech in my main game HAS mentioned building a clockwork body and then finding a spirit to shove into it to be a hull that serves him…

  2. Mr Roe Portal, yes, this game is weird and I love it. My Whisper’s spirit mask is created when they slice their face (specifically their forhead and accessing their “third eye”, in a sense) with a sanctified straight razor and the blood flows, forming a shifting, crimson mask (the cuts heal when the blood is called back, so no harm. It’s just cool).

    As far as hulls go, spill it, John. No fair tantalizing. Hulls are my jam. 🙂

    I want a hull with a doll-like clockwork face with parts that move into place to create a creepy facsimile of expression. In their mouth is a venomous spider-hull they can inhabit and spew forth for those clandestine assassinations and so forth.

    I just thought of adding “Ghost Passage” so the spider-hull can have its own ghost. Perhaps they were twins? Yes, I like this.

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