John Harper, now that Evil Hat is on board with the publishing, are there better options to obtain the physical book…

John Harper, now that Evil Hat is on board with the publishing, are there better options to obtain the physical book…

John Harper, now that Evil Hat is on board with the publishing, are there better options to obtain the physical book in Europe?

Currently, I’ve just backed the PDFs (with POD option) because of customs in EU. However, with Evil Hat, I’d be interested in a physical (hard cover) book if I can get it from within the EU.

14 thoughts on “John Harper, now that Evil Hat is on board with the publishing, are there better options to obtain the physical book…”

  1. Okay, I’ve got some info now, and more will be known once the BackerKit goes live. During the BackerKit/Pre-order phase we probably won’t have any great options to be honest. International options will be available but we’re not sure what the shipping rates will be.

    Once it is in print, the best source will be retailers who use Esdevium (in the UK) as one of their distributors. We have a few other distributors in German (Pegasus and Ulisses) but their orders tend to be small and infrequent. We’ll be distributing through Flat River to Amazon which means it will be available from US Amazon for sure, but we don’t know (they are a black box about this) whether that will mean EU Amazon sales as well.

  2. Paul Byford, if they don’t have it they’ll definitely be able to order it from Esdevium (also in UK), so if you let them know in advance, I bet they can stock it.

  3. Sean Nittner Yes, I’m sure that the store will be willing to stock it. It’s where I go for my regular weekly games night and I have run 3 or 4 one shots of Blades and plan on running a regular game once one of the current games in progress ends. The owner has some good shipping deals from the States and so can probably get copies imported at reasonable cost anyway. The store also does mail order within the UK so I may post here close to publication with the store details to give UK people a chance of getting an order in so the store can judge demand.

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