I hadn’t heard of Kong: Skull Island before today, but now I badly want to make/play a Blades hack for telling…

I hadn’t heard of Kong: Skull Island before today, but now I badly want to make/play a Blades hack for telling…

I hadn’t heard of Kong: Skull Island before today, but now I badly want to make/play a Blades hack for telling humans-vs-big-monsters stories like this: https://youtu.be/2onxgmKT1fw


5 thoughts on “I hadn’t heard of Kong: Skull Island before today, but now I badly want to make/play a Blades hack for telling…”

  1. I agree with Oli Jeffery Blades is build for crews making a name for themselves in a world full of various powerful factions. If you want monster hunting there is Monster of the Week though Kong Skull Island seems more like adventuring which is more like Dungeon World, but you’d need to hack that a bunch to work. As such I would really recommend checking out Breakers (World of Dungeons: Turbo) which is another John Harper creation on his Patreon and seems perfect for your needs. Here’s what John Harper has to say about it:

    “Here’s my new take on World of Dungeons — an even leaner and meaner version I’m calling World of Dungeons: Turbo. It’s even easier to play and simpler to hack than original World of Dungeons. Everything the player needs is right there on the character sheet. Hack the sheet, hack the game. This version of WoDu: Turbo is wrapped up in a playset called Breakers. Breakers is a game about modern-day, working-class heroes who deal with dimensional incursions from a weird fantasy/magic world. Kind of Ghostbusters meets Hellboy meets Army of Darkness.”

    Skull Island is less magic and ghosts but it’s close enough as it’s average humans dealing with mythological creatures.


    patreon.com – Breakers (World of Dungeons: Turbo) | John Harper on Patreon

  2. Yeah, Breakers would be good for this, I think.

    Also, once I finish the one-shot hack for Jurassic Dark, you’ll see how the crew/claims/tier thing can work in a very different way for something like this. 🙂

  3. I could imagine a satisfying game of Blades where the monsters just aren’t engaged, and instead create constant complications.

    So a chase scene could happen like normal – between two humans even, but the consequences might be being grabbed by a giant gator as you run across the bridge, or getting trapped in a spiderweb, or whatnot. Then that might lead to abandoning the chase, and desperate action rolls to escape the creature.

    Building fortifications and the like might not have the PCs going out and killing the creatures, but might still provide security. You aren’t going to be grabbed by the gator inside your network of fortified caves. But you may need to constantly patrol them to keep them clear of giant insects, or whatever.

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