11 thoughts on “Scum & Villainy is a beautiful and compelling adaptation.”

  1. I am a backer. I need to scour the updates!

    I looked and holy poo, it’s there! I ever got an e-mail about the update. Thanks a bunch and then some!

    Downloaded, skimmed it, love it! Fantastic job!

  2. Jason Lee we’re working on getting it up on DriveThru but there’s some extra hoops we have to jump through first. Should be soon, and I’ll do a post in the community for folks soon as we have it up.

  3. Stras Acimovic, I have to tell you that my fiancé and buddy were skimming through it before our Gods of the Fall game tonight. I heard them fawning over it (the example ship made him squee and my fiancé said “Oooooh!” at the Mystic) as he read things aloud and when I asked him what he thought he replied, “We’re playing this…”. Trust me when I say that is high praise. He’s very picky and was incredibly impressed. In fact, the only other game they’re craving to play has been Blades.

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