We’re getting bombed with spam accounts and posts again, so I’m turning on permission-requirement to join the…

We’re getting bombed with spam accounts and posts again, so I’m turning on permission-requirement to join the…

We’re getting bombed with spam accounts and posts again, so I’m turning on permission-requirement to join the community. Just FYI.

2 thoughts on “We’re getting bombed with spam accounts and posts again, so I’m turning on permission-requirement to join the…”

  1. To Whom It May Concern:

    Please direct all fictitious sexy gentlemen and ladies to the stewardship of Mr. Adam Sexton. My nebulous network of contacts and I have been in the business of processing society’s digital malingerers for almost a decade. Using high-fidelity occult rituals, we manifest digital thoughtforms into concrete beings, and help the ethically destitute “spambots” adjust into the unfamiliar world of being ontologically real and morally responsible. IGNORE THE RUMORS YOU MAY HAVE HEARD ABOUT US. We have never used clever philosophical positioning about the nature of machine consciousness to take advantage of our beneficiaries. Why would you make a claim like that?

    Have a nice day.

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