Hey guys!

Hey guys!

Hey guys!

I runned my first session of BitD the other day and one of my players created a Hound. He asked me what can his pet do and how it affect in the mechanics. (He wanted more like a feline pet and his character was a Skovlan, so I gave him a Lynx)

¿How do you guys deal with trained pets like this?

¿Do you give them ‘stats’ like some points on prowl, hunt, skirmish…?

some examples:

1) He wanted to intimidate someone, and loose the chain of his Lynx a little bit in order to create a more intimidating effect.

2) What if he sends his Lynx to help a teammate attacking someone?

3) What if the Lynx fights on its own vs a thug? ¿what do I roll?

3 thoughts on “Hey guys!”

  1. Using a Lynx to intimidate someone gives you greater Effect.

    Sending it to help someone is probably a solid way to assist their roll, or you might be Commanding.

    Fighting on its own, with direction? Command. Fighting on its own, alone? Figure out the pet’s quality and roll that.

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