If a group decide to “skim from the top”.

If a group decide to “skim from the top”.

If a group decide to “skim from the top”. I.e. take some of the loot that the NPC wanted, but still give the rest to the NPC, do I give them extra coin? Do I reduce the rep they earn for being dishonest to a client?

6 thoughts on “If a group decide to “skim from the top”.”

  1. Say what honesty demands.

    “Sure, you can skim from what the client was expecting and call it expenses. They’re in no position to stop you. Might affect how the next client sees you though.” Minus rep against the next job.

    “Sure, you can skim from these guys. You know they’ll badmouth you all over town as soon as they’re out of sight though.” Minus rep, flat.

    “Skim all you like. This guy only has eyes for the freaky statue you lifted.” No change, but guys who hire blades to loot tentacley statues tend to have other concerns.

    “Skim off these guys and you’ll never deal with them again. They’re the sort that has principles.” Maybe minus rep. Faction change for sure.

  2. I agree and Toby and Tony’s approaches I’d also add that if they keep doing it regardless of consequences and repercussions that it could always end up adding a new descriptor to the crews actual reputation and affects the way everyone sees them and who’s willing to deal with them permanently. So if they wanna do it it’s an actionable crew xp trigger but very clearly complicates their crews existence on every level.

  3. I like those ideas too! Immediate consequence based on right now, this job, this client. Then you also start a clock, with “Untrustworthy” or somesuch at the end of it as a reward if it fills up. Great stuff.

  4. I like these ideas, and put in one more: use that skimming as a ready hook for any entanglement where it makes sense.

    After a heist, they face a complication because someone figured out they were skimming, and now they are furious. =)

  5. Yep! And always remember – they’re playing a group of criminals. That is the game that was pitched to the players. So the consequences of doing criminal things, like skimming, should be enjoyable and part of the game. Use it to escalate the plot, to introduce plot twists, to complicate things for the PCs.

    And then let the PCs deal with those complications and plot twists, turn them around, and make it work to their own advantage.

    A social plot where the PCs lie about “What do you mean money is missing? The cabbies that moved it from our hideout to your storage place must have skimmed some! Pay us, and we’ll get them for you” might let the players “get away with it”, but still helps escalate the story (as the accusations fly, as the groups go to war, as the PCs get caught in the middle or pick a side)

    In the end, the whole city might end up burning, just because a couple of thugs decided to skim some money, then constantly covered for themselves while blaming other people in ever-escalating situations.

    Sounds exciting to me! Way more exciting than an NPC saying “You skimmed some, so next time I’m paying less” or “I can’t trust you, no future jobs for you.”

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