I had an idea for a nifty (and HIGHLY illegal) toy for criminals, especially violent ones: the Crow-Killer.

I had an idea for a nifty (and HIGHLY illegal) toy for criminals, especially violent ones: the Crow-Killer.

I had an idea for a nifty (and HIGHLY illegal) toy for criminals, especially violent ones: the Crow-Killer. This avian clockwork hunter is made of matte-black brass. Inside its frame beats the magically animated heart of a ritually slain bird-of-prey. It can be set to go on a killing spree, attacking any Deathseeker crow it finds, or, more often, attuned to an impending murder. After the deed is done, the Crow-Killer waits for the Deathseeker to arrive. The dark magics powering the hunter masks their presence, giving them an edge against the interloper. The Crow-Killer devours the heart and essence of the Deathseeker, masking its loss to both the Wardens and the murder it came from.

Not sure if it’s setting-breaking or even necessary, or of any mechanics. It just popped into my head as a creepy-cool widget.

As an aside, I’ve wondered if the Deathseekers are tougher (magically or otherwise) than normal crows. In either case, I assume attacking and/or killing one is a HUGE no-no.

9 thoughts on “I had an idea for a nifty (and HIGHLY illegal) toy for criminals, especially violent ones: the Crow-Killer.”

  1. Sound like something an artificer Leech could tinker as a long term project, or something that a whisper could animate with a ritual. Nothing game breaking about it, just a cool thing PCs can make or do to prevent the bluecoats from interrupting them mid-score. Perhaps not necessary, but definitely useful.

    As far as mechanics, either a LTP to create (size determined by the GM), or use the ritual rules for a whisper.

  2. My players like crazy-ass stuff, often coming up with stuff themselves. It’s pretty awesome.

    I also got inspiration from the spiders in Invisible Sun. I like the idea of a pair of magical spiders that drink the fluid from a sleeping/unconscious victim’s eyes. It causes no harm in the bite, save perhaps slightly blurry vision for a while. They then bite their master’s eyes, giving them the ability to concentrate and see through the victim’s eyes for a certain time.

    So gross…

    They can be called SpEYEders! Get it? No? No… 😉

  3. One fun thing to do with this would be to give the crow killer to a rival faction, who is desperately wanted by the Spirit Wardens for their crimes. It is up to the crew to follow the clues, figure out who is using them, and hit those scoundrels hard for a reward. Big money for each of the illegal constructs they turn over to the wardens. =)

  4. This is an amazing idea. LTP creation that serves to mask a crews’ body count from the authorities. They could then bottle the spirits for later use, or whatever. Sounds like a great little racket to me, at least until the [Spirit Wardens catch onto your bullshit and bring the hammer of justice down on yo asses] clock strikes midnight 😉

  5. I like the bottling spirits idea, John. As far as hammer falls go, you gotta’ ask yourself: If aren’t risking the wrath of the great powers to take your piece, why are you a crew in Doskvol? 😉

  6. Definitely a NO-GO for the status quo of the mighty. I remember one of the blood letter sessions had a party to celebrate the Spirit Wardens and the Deathseeker Crows as essentiell parts of the current how-it-is-done-to-get-rid-of-these-ghosts.

    That makes it totally cool. What makes it awesome for my game is that the Deathseeker are would-be patrons of the crew. Story arcs coming up be the dozen. Thanks for the inspiration.

    About the question if it’s Tinker or Whisper-stuff: Both, of course. First the case/hull than the spirits placed in it. More story arcs (yum) 🙂

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